Thursday, May 23, 2024

The Horse Riding Market and its Physical Benefits for Polo Players

Horse riding is a big part of life in the U.S for those in the field. While Escanaba Polo Mallet Co is a for profit business it does seek to donate approximately 50% of profits to various charities. We also want to learn and teach as much as possible about horse riding and the sport of polo. 

What you may find interesting is that horse riding has significant fitness effects but many horse riders could benefit from engaging in cross training. If you have played polo you understand how much cardio is involved.

-Global Equestrian Market is about $100 Billion.  Global Equestrian Market

-$1.8 billion and .6% increase since 2018 to 2024 and 169K employees in the U.S. Horse & Equine Production US

-"Overall 98.3% of those surveyed agreed that rider fitness had an impact on performance, however only 56.9% considered themselves to be athletically fit and only 63.88% took part in any form of cross training." Fitness Habits of Riders

"Peak Metabolic Equivalent of Task (METS) of Reining and Cutting were similar to those of jogging and rugby." Horse Riding as Fitness