Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Horse and Rider Personality Impacts the Polo Game [Science and Horse Study]

Polo players and equestrian enthusiasts have known for a long time that horses have personalities and that when matched with the right personality of the rider the performance level goes up. Now their is science that helps to support the idea that the psychology of horse and rider is important. This information should help you think about how to improve the psychological fundamentals of good polo playing. 

The study found,

-129 horses were rated using the Horse Personality Questionnaire

-104 polo players completed a personality test

-Horse intellect had a negative main effect on player's handicap and horse performance.

-Player neuroticism and player openness produced a negative main effect on player's handicap and horse performance..

-Player neuroticism and horse neuroticism, and player openness and horse intellect created a positive effect on player's handicap.

-Horse intellect and player openness determined the level of performance of the horse.

The Study on Polo Player and Horse Personality

Monday, June 3, 2024

Pink Polo Guide with Positions, Terminology, and Questions


Unicef Cup Final June 2nd, 2024


Learn the Polo Basics Motivating Video!

This video is very motivating and exciting to watch. It provides a good overview to the polo game.  Dundee & Perth Polo Club offers a good guide as well. Dundee and Perth Polo Club Basics Guide. its a good thing to think about the basics and review as much as possible. 

You can see how the mallets bend and function in the game. Escanaba Polo Mallet Co. provides high quality mallets and continues to update its designs. We also work with teams to product mallets for them. Great video below. 

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Research on Polo Player Injury and How to Avoid

Injuries to polo playing is something that should be avoided but is inevitable to the game. A Research study of polo players indicates the following:

1. Most buy helmets for looks and not safety.

2. 17.3% players have indicated hospital attendance.

3. Higher fitness pre season conditioning and wrist support helped.

4. 58% of players reported falling.

5. Pre season rider practice helped.

Polo Playing Injury Research